
Sonning Common Village Gardeners - All volunteers!

Version 26/5/24

VGs keep the flower beds and tubs in the village tidy and colourful!

Donations - Money, plants, materials, tools - Always appreciated. Contact us.

We are all volunteers - More are always welcomed!
Gardening skill & knowledge not essential - Helpful guidance is always nearby.
We meet twice each month to tend the plants, mainly in the centre of the village.

- Normally 1st Sunday and 3rd Thursday each month.
No commitment required, just show up at 10 am. for about an hour.
Where? - Outside the Village Hall.
For short-notice changes click here.
New volunteers can contact us before attending.

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Workers 3/12/23


Sonning Common Village Gardeners  -  Forthcoming events.

Version 21/5/24

Sunday June 2nd ~ Back to normal (no plant sale), but ...
Painting wooden boxes outside village hall and co-op. 10-11 am.
If you can help, please leave a message (> Click here <), or just turn up, preferably with a wire brush and a paintbrush.
"Work Parties" One hour twice a month 10 am - 11 am
Forthcoming dates:-
1st Sunday and 3rd Thursday of each month
(unless the weather is really dire)
For other information click here.
Next Social Event
It's been mooted, a coffee+cake meet, maybe midweek might be appealing. What's your view?.
Other organisations' events
Sunday 9th June ~ Village Day on Memorial Field. VGs will have a stall with information.
Thursday 13th June @ 7pm - "Climate Friendly Gardening". A talk by Andre Tranquilini, Estate Manager of Waltham Place, as part of The Great Big Green Week. Venue TBA. Contact Eco SoCo.
Problems with our website? ~ Please let us know if you have difficulties, or you spot errors.

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Sonning Common Village Gardeners  -  News - (in reverse chronological order)

Version 10/3/24

Sunday 10th March 2024

"We're Gardening in the rain ...."

Not only that, but as a result of PW's marketing efforts last Sunday at the SoCo Spring Clean we've already gained one new young recruit!
Please could all VGs spread the word to encourage more volunteers - essential for our survival!
Print business cards by clicking > here <.

VGs in the rain Sunday 10th Nar 2024
Click for full size
Sunday 10th March 2024

Sonning Common Spring Clean.

Several VGs attended this annual event, to contribute to the litter collection and with the WI providing refreshments. The day was well covered in The Henley Standard and on SoCo SpringClean F-book
Our A-Frame board was conspicuously displayed by Paul who gave a brief marketing speech about VGs' work, and distributed at least 40 promotional cards to the crowd.
You can print your own by clicking > here <.

SoCo Spring-Clean 2024
Click for full size
Sunday 7th January 2024 AGM - Well attended - Many useful discussions and decisions. Minutes distributed to members.  
Sunday 19th November 2023

Autumn Lunch at the Hare and Hounds.
"A merry gathering ..... " (continued on our "Other Events" page).

Check "Forthcoming Events" for the next one

VGs' LUnch Nov19th2023
Click for full size
3rd Sept 2023 Fawley Railway Experience - Report & pics awaited  
Saturday 10th June 2023 "Village Day" at the Memorial Park.
"Saturday was a successful day for the Village and the Village Gardeners. We made £120 to swell our funds. Thank you to everyone who contributed and came to help and a general thank you to all of you who keep us going throughout the year."
Village Day 2023
Click for full size
January 8th 2023

New Year Social at The Red Lion Peppard Common
Pictures are in the "Other Events" page.

Clicj for more pictures
Click for full size
December 2022
New "plaques" have been installed in the beds in front of the Village Hall
Click for full size

Click for full size

Ukraine Flag

Sunday 5 June 2022 - Summer planting.
The session was very well attended, and much was achieved in record time. This included planting a special tiered display of blue and yellow, representing the Ukraine flag, in front of the Village Hall in recognition of the dreadful crisis.
Plants were kindly donated by Heath and Watkins.
See report in The Henley Standard.
Soon to be featured in the Sonning Common Magazine.

Planting For Ukraine

Click for full size

Events before 2022 are in the "Other Events" page.


Sonning Common Village Gardeners  -  Promoting ourselves.

Version 22/2/24

Our new display board was "unveiled" on Thursday 21st April 2022 and attracted the attention of passers-by.


Click for full size

Please stand it near where we are working to let folk know what we do and encourage more volunteers to join us. It is quite light. You will find it is easily carried.

If you're thinking; "What a pity it says .... .... .... .", please suggest amendments!

Printable resources (cards, mini-posters, etc) are below.

Please let us know if you have any VG news.

On our website we're keen to weed out and prune off the bad.
We aim to plant brilliant ideas, and nurture a blooming good display about what we do.
Help us make it more attractive and useful than the old one.
It can evolve to suit and serve us all.
What would you like added, changed, or removed?
Please send feedback and ideas for its improvement.

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Sonning Common Village Gardeners  -  Gallery.

Version 22/2/24

Section under construction.

This section will be for our best pictures
Please feel free to make suggestions for inclusion

Stan's presentations:-
Click on a year for a short video showing the work done by VGs during that year, and what the village looked like as a result.
- A Year (almost) in the Life of the Sonning Common Village Gardeners. 3:01.
2014 - A Year (almost) in the Life of the Sonning Common Village Gardeners. 3:03.
2015 - A Year (almost) in the Life of the Sonning Common Village Gardeners. 3:06.
2016 - A Year (almost) in the Life of the Sonning Common Village Gardeners. 3:50.
2017 - A Year in the Life of the Sonning Common Village Gardeners. 3:04.

The RHS Britain in Bloom 2014 Portfolio for Sonning Common - A more detailed and technical account produced for the competition judges.  4:33.

This section to be improved - One day! - - I'd rather be sailing

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Sonning Common Village Gardeners  -  Contact.

Version 28/7/21

For ENQUIRIES about joining SC VGs, sponsorship, donations, and other general matters, enter the text below in your em@iler
communic . or phone (0118) 972 2141 .

For website matters including editorial, suggestions for improvement, problems viewing, etc, enter the text below in your em@iler


Ignore this mini-text - [Spampoison removed]

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Sonning Common Village Gardeners  - Printable Resources

Version 24/5/24.

VG's "Business Cards" to give to potential volunteers, etc.
Click here. Prints 8 "cards" on A4. pdf 300kb

Cards are like the one shown but bigger

Business card mini pic . . 8 on A4 minipic
VG's Poster. (2024)
Click here. Prints 1 on A4. pdf 700 kb
Prints 1 of these on A4 Help Us Keep Our Village Pretty.
VG's "Mini-poster" for Parish boards, etc.
Click here. Prints 2 on A4. pdf 380kb
Prints 2 of these on A4.Business card mini pic
VG's Handout/Flyer with coloured images
Click here to open 10" x 7.5". pdf 116kb
Looks like this but bigger . VGsFlyerMiniPic
VG's Logo
Click here to open a large logo. png 363kb
Looks like this but bigger
Please feel free to make suggestions for inclusion

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Sonning Common Village Gardeners  - External Links - We take no responsibility for the content of offsite links

Version 21/2/24

Will it rain in the next 2 hours in Sonning Common?


We also maintain the flower beds and hanging baskets outside Sonning Common Village Hall

Some of our sponsors.
Sonning Common Parish Council.
Heath and Watkins.
Pepard Building Supplies.

If you would like to see other useful sites ~ Please make suggestions

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Sonning Common Village Gardeners  - Site Map and Searcher.

Version 22/2/24

Main areas of this website

Site Search
search tips advanced search
search engine by freefind

Other areas

  • Other Events - Mainly Social.
  • More to be added - One day! - - I'd rather be sailing

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